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Parent Information: SEND Information Report 2024/2025

All Richmond and Kingston maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with a special educational need, or needs, being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen. 

For further information please see the Acccessibility Policy and Single equality Scheme in our policies section:

Admissions of pupils with SEND are considered on the same basis as those without SEND. The School Admissions Code of Practice requires children and young people with SEN to be treated fairly. Admissions authorities:

  • must consider applications from parents of children who have SEN but do not have an EHC plan on the basis of the school’s published admissions criteria as part of normal admissions procedures
  • must not refuse to admit a child who has SEN but does not have an EHC plan because they do not feel able to cater for those needs
  • must not refuse to admit a child on the grounds that they do not have an EHC plan.  

What is meant by SEND?

What is meant by SEND?

The SEND Code of Practice states that a child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.  A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty if they:

  1. Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
  2. Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

Special educational needs are broadly defined by the following four areas of need:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and / or physical needs

At Darell we can make provision for every kind of frequently occurring SEND without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), for instance; dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech and language needs, autism spectrum condition, learning difficulties and behaviour difficulties.  There are other kinds of SEND which do not occur as frequently and with which the school is less familiar, but we can access training and advice so that these kinds of needs can also be met. 

The school also currently meets the needs of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan with the following kinds of special educational need: ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), fine and gross motor skill difficulties, ASC (autistic spectrum condition), specific learning difficulties, speech, language and communication difficulties and social emotional and mental health needs. Decisions on the admission of pupils with an EHCP are made by the Local Authority (Richmond & Kingston Borough, known as Achieving for Children).

Specialist Resource Provision

Our Specialist Resource Provision (SRP), takes up to eighteen pupils with moderate learning difficulties. These children have an EHCP, are between the ages of four and eleven and are referred to us by the Special Educational Needs Panel of the Local Education Authority. Decisions on the admission of pupils to the SRP are made in consultation with the Local Authority.

The admission arrangements for pupils without an EHCP must not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled children or those with special educational needs and must follow the local authority school admissions procedures.

Please click on the questions below or scroll down the page for more information about the local offer from Darell Primary School.

Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child's difficulties with learning/Special Educational Needs or disability (SEND)?

Amanda Blunden is the school SENCO and can be contacted via email: or by telephone 02088766721

The SENCO is responsible for:

• Coordinating all the support for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and developing the school’s SEND Policy to make sure all children get a consistent, high quality response to meeting their needs in school. 

• Ensuring that you are:

involved in supporting your child’s learning
kept informed about the support your child is getting
involved in reviewing how your child is doing
• Liaising with all the other people who may be coming into school to help support your child’s learning, e.g., speech and language therapy, educational psychology, occupational therapy etc

• Updating the school’s SEND register (a system for ensuring all the SEND needs of pupils in this school are known) and making sure that there are excellent records of your child’s progress and needs.

• Providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school so they can help children with SEND in the school achieve the best progress possible.

The Class teacher is responsible for:

• Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need (this could be things like targeted work or additional support) and letting the SENCO know as necessary.

• Writing SEN Support plans and sharing and reviewing these with parents at least once each term and planning for the next term.

• Ensuring that all staff working with your child in school are helped to deliver the planned work/programme for your child, so they can achieve the best possible progress. This may involve the use of additional adults, outside specialist help and specially planned work and resources.

• Ensuring that the school’s SEND Policy is followed in their classroom for all the pupils they teach with any SEND.

The Headteacher: can be contacted via email: and is responsible for:
•The day to day management of all aspects of the school; this includes the support for children with SEND.
• They will give responsibility to the SENCO and class teachers, but are still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.

• They must make sure that the Governing Body is kept up to date about any issues in the school relating to SEND.

The SEND Governor: Misha Patel can be contacted via email: and is responsible for:
  • Making sure that the necessary support is provided for any child who attends the school who has SEND.

Supporting the school in evaluating and developing the quality and impact of provision for children with SEND across the school

What are the different types of support available for children with SEND in Richmond and Kingston?

For your child this would mean:

 • The teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.

 • All teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.

 • Different ways of teaching are in place so that your child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning.

 • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCO, or outside staff) are in place to support your child to learn.

 • Your child’s teacher will have carefully checked on your child’s progress and will have decided that your child has gaps in their understanding/ learning and needs some extra support to help them make the best possible progress.

When needed, all children in school should be getting this as part of excellent classroom practice.

Specific group work in a smaller group of children.

These groups, often called Intervention Groups by schools, may be: 

• Run in the classroom or outside. 

• Run by a teacher or, more often, a teaching assistant who has had training to run these groups. 

Initial Stage of SEND Code of Practice: SEN support

This means they have been identified by the class teacher as needing some extra support in school. 

For your child this would mean:

• He/ she will engage in group sessions with specific targets to help him/her to make more progress.

• A learning support assistant will run these small group sessions using the teacher’s plan, sometimes with external professional advice and support.

This type of support is available for any child who has specific gaps in their understanding of a subject/area of learning.

Specialist groups run by outside agencies, e.g. Speech

and Language Therapy or Occupational Therapy (OT) 

When your child has been identified by the class teacher/SENCo as needing some extra specialist support in school from a professional outside the school. This may be from:

• Educational Psychology Support  

• Outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service, Occupational therapy (OT), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)  .

For your child this would mean: 

• Your child will have been identified by the class teacher/SENCo (or you will have raised your own concerns) as needing more specialist input instead of, or in addition to, excellent class teaching and intervention groups.

• You will be asked to come to a meeting to discuss your child’s progress and help plan possible ways forward.

• You may be asked to give your permission for the school to refer your child to a specialist professional, e.g. a speech and language therapist or educational psychologist. This will help the school, and you, understand your child’s particular needs better and be able to support them better in school. 

• The specialist professional will work with your child to understand their needs and make recommendations, which may include

  • Making changes to the way your child is supported in class, e.g. some individual support, or changing some aspects of teaching to support them better 
  • Support to set better targets which will include their specific expertise
  • A group run by school staff under the guidance of the outside professional, e.g., a social skills group 
  • Individual or group work with the outside professional 

• The school may suggest that your child needs some agreed individual support in school. They will tell you how the support will be used and what strategies will be put in place. 

This type of support is available for children with specific barriers to learning that cannot be overcome through excellent class teaching and intervention groups. 

Specified Individual support

This is usually provided via an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).This means your child will have been identified by the class teacher/SENCo as needing a particularly high level of individual or small group teaching , which cannot be provided from the SEND budget available to the school. 

Usually your child will also need specialist support in school from a professional outside the school. This may be from:

• Local Authority central services, such as the ASD Outreach Team or Sensory Service (for students with a hearing or visual need)

• Outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service or Educational Psychology Service

For your child this would mean:

• The school (or you) can request that the Local Authority carry out a statutory assessment of your child’s needs. This is a legal process which sets out the amount of support that will be provided for your child.

• After the school has sent in the request to the Local Authority (with a considerable amount of information about your child, including some from you), they will decide whether they think your child’s needs (as described in the paperwork provided) seem complex enough to need a statutory assessment. If this is the case, they will ask you and all professionals involved with your child to write a report outlining your child’s needs. If the LA Panel agrees to a statutory assessment, an EHCP will be drawn up. If they do not think your child needs this, they will ask the school to continue with the support at SEND Support Status.

• The EHCP will outline the level of top-up funding the school will receive from the LA, how the support should be used and what strategies must be put in place. It will also have long term outcomes for your child.

• The top-up funding will pay for an additional adult who may be used to support your child with whole class learning, run individual programmes or run small groups including your child. 

This type of support is available for children whose learning needs are:

• Severe, complex and lifelong

• Necessitating a high level of support that exceeds the school’s SEND budget and amounts to more than £6000

We have a duty to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions. Individual healthcare plans will normally specify the type and level of support required to meet the medical needs of such pupils. Where children and young people also have special educational needs, their provision will be planned and delivered in a co-ordinated way with the healthcare plan. We will have regard to the statutory guidance supporting pupils at school with medical conditions. 

Children with medical conditions will be made known, as necessary, to the School Nurse and the Welfare assistant, based at Darell Primary School. The School Nurse will advise as to whether a Healthcare plan is needed and what this will contain.  The nurse will work with the school to ensure the plan is appropriate and implemented.  The welfare assistant (Laura Gavin) follows Local authority guidelines with regard to the administration of medicines and any other personal care deemed necessary by health professionals.

Attendance at Darell is monitored carefully.  If there is a concern with a child’s attendance, advice is sought from the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO), linked with the school.  Excellent attendance is promoted and celebrated throughout the school year.

Darell works in partnership with Social Services and Family Support Services.

Any child experiencing difficulties with behaviour and who may be at risk of exclusion, may be supported by a bespoke behaviour support plan.  External advice may also be sought with the development and implementation of the plan. 

How can I let the school know I am concerned about my child's progress in school?

• If you have concerns about your child’s progress you should speak to your child’s class teacher initially – by phone, informal discussions or at parents’ evenings.

• If you are not happy that the concerns are being managed, or feel that your child is still not making progress, you should speak to the SENCO or Headteacher.

• If you are still not happy, you can speak to the school SEND Governor. 

How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child's learning in school?

At Darell we monitor the progress of all pupils three times a year. We also use a range of assessments with all the pupils at various points e.g.  Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile, Y1 phonics screening, KS1 and KS2 assessments at the end of each key stage and teacher assessment based on formative and summative assessment which is recorded on Insight, our in-house assessment computer programme. The school aims to identify children experiencing difficulties quickly and offer support as needed.

If a child is not making good progress we will put in place extra support to enable the child to catch up. This may require additional support within lessons or his or her withdrawal from class for intervention.

Some pupils may continue to make insufficient progress, despite high-quality teaching targeted at their areas of difficulty.  For these pupils, and in consultation with parents, we will use a range assessment tools to determine the strengths and difficulties of pupils.

The purpose of this more detailed assessment is to understand what additional resources and different approaches are required to enable the pupil to make better progress.  These will be shared with parents, put into a support plan and reviewed regularly, and refined / revised if necessary.  At this point we will have identified that the pupil has a SEND because the child requires special educational provision which is additional and different to what is normally available.  Parents will always be informed when SEND support is put in place for their child.

If the pupil makes good progress with this support (but would not be able to maintain this good progress without it) we will continue to identify the pupil as having a special educational need.  If the pupil is able to maintain good progress without the additional support he or she will not be identified with special educational needs.

We will ensure that all teachers and support staff who work with the pupil are aware of the support to be provided and the teaching approaches to be used.

If your child is identified as not making progress, the school will contact you to set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail, and to:

•     listen to any concerns you may also have

•     plan any additional support your child may receive

•     discuss with you any referrals to outside professionals to support your child’s learning

How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for pupils with special educational needs?

Each review of the support plan will be informed by the views of the pupil, parents and class teachers and the assessment information from teachers which will show whether adequate progress is being made.

The SEND Code of Practice (2014) describes adequate progress thus:

  • Is similar to that of children of the same age who had the same starting point
  • Matches or improves on the pupil’s previous rate of progress
  • Which allows the attainment gap to close between the pupil and children of the same age

For pupils with an EHCP there will be an Annual Review of the provision made for the child which will enable an evaluation of the effectiveness of the special provision to be made.  The collation of all annual review evaluations of effectiveness will be reported to the governing body.

How is extra support allocated to children and how do they move between the different levels?

• The school budget, received from Richmond LA, includes money for supporting children with special educational needs.

• The Head Teacher decides on the budget for SEND, in consultation with the school governors, on the basis of needs in the school.

• The Head Teacher and the SENCo discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school, including:

  • the children getting extra support already
  • the children needing extra support
  • the children who have been identified as not making as much progress as would be expected  and decide what resources/training and support is needed. 

• All resources/training and support are reviewed regularly and changes made as needed.

• Support is allocated in the best interests of the child through intervention groups.

• Some children may be eligible for Pupil Premium funding. This is allocated according to the information on the website

Who are the other people providing services to children with a SEND in this school?

Directly funded by the school:

  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) session provider
  • Nurture group staff
  • Lunchtime Club staff
  • Parenting Class provider
  • Additional Educational Psychologist input to provide a higher level of service to the school
  • Providers of Adult English as an Additional Language support

Paid for centrally by the Local Authority but delivered in school:

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) School – Outreach Support
  • Vision Impairment Specialist (VI)
  • Hearing Impairment Specialist (HI)
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Speech and Language Therapist (provided by Health Service but paid for by the Local Authority)
  • Mental health support team
  • Family support (Early Help)
  • Education and Inclusion Support Service (EISS)

Provided and paid for by the Health Service but delivered in school:

  • School Nurse
  • Occupational and Speech and Language Therapists
  • Physiotherapist
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

How will the teaching be adapted for my child with SEND?

'Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less’ (SEN CoP, 2014)

 ‘High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN. Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching. Schools should regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching for all pupils, including those at risk of underachievement. This includes reviewing, and where necessary improving, teachers’ understanding of strategies to identify and support vulnerable pupils and their knowledge of the SEN most frequently encountered. (SEN CoP  6.34 2014) 

The school has high expectations for progress of all pupils whether or not they have special educational needs. We aim firstly to remove barriers to learning and make our teaching good enough so that all pupils learn well. We work to ensure that our approach to teaching and learning is of high quality and personalised to meet the individual needs of the majority of children. Some children need educational provision that is additional to or different from this. This is special educational provision.

In meeting the requirements of The National Curriculum Framework the school employs some additional teaching approaches, in response to assessments e.g, precision teaching, mentoring, small group teaching and use of ICT software learning packages.  These are often delivered by additional staff under the close direction of teachers employed through the funding provided to the school. This is known as ‘notional SEN funding’. The class teacher will remain responsible for working with the pupil on a daily basis.

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with special educational needs?

At Darell we follow the advice in The National Curriculum Framework on how to adapt the curriculum and the learning environment for pupils with special educational needs.  We also incorporate the information provided by assessments, both internal and external, and the strategies described in EHCPs.

As part of our requirement to keep the appropriateness of our curriculum and learning environment under review, the governors have made previous improvements to the school building to incorporate a passenger lift and accessible toilet, doors directly into the playgrounds which can accommodate wheelchairs, as well as enhanced classroom and studio/corridor environments.  The curriculum is monitored by governors through their links with subject leaders.

What additional support for learning is available to pupils with special educational needs and disabilities?

As part of our budget we receive ‘notional SEN funding’.  This funding is used to ensure that the quality of teaching is good in the school and that there are sufficient resources to deploy additional and different teaching for pupils requiring special educational provision.  The support offered is matched to the needs of individual pupils with SEND and is evidence based. The amount of support required for each pupil to make good progress will be different in each case.  In very few cases a very high level of resource is required.   The national funding arrangements currently require schools to provide up to £6000 per year of resource for pupils with high needs.  If a pupil needs more support than can be provided by this budget then further funding can be accessed through the Local Authority where the child or young person lives through application for an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan).

What activities are available for pupils with special eduacational needs in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum?

All clubs, trips and activities offered to pupils at Darell are available to pupils with SEND either with or without an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan).  Where it is necessary, the school will use the resources available to it to provide additional adult support to enable the safe participation of the pupil in the activity.  If a child with SEND requires additional support to access a club provided by an outside provider then an application for additional funding can be sought in discussion with parents.

What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities?

At Darell we understand that an important feature of the school is to enable all pupils to develop emotional resilience and social skills, both through direct teaching e.g. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), through the teaching of our 4 values (Enjoyment, Responsibility, Aspiration and Equality), through our use of the Zones of Regulation approach and also indirectly, with every conversation adults have with pupils throughout the day. 

For some pupils with the most need for help in this area we can provide the following e.g. access to the Nurture Team/ Emotional Learning Support Assistance (ELSA), mentor time with member of senior leadership team, external referral to Child and Adolesent Mental Health service (CAMHs), access to a quieter space for pupil to use when upset or anxious so that they can calm down.

Pupils in the early stages of emotional and social development because of their SEND will be supported to enable them to develop and mature appropriately.  This will usually require additional and different resources, beyond that required by pupils who do not need this support.

We take SEND-based bullying seriously and you can find the Darell anti-bullying policy by following the link:

Who is the SEND Co-ordinator and how do I contact them?

The SENCO at Darell is Amanda Blunden who is a qualified teacher and has been accredited by the National Award for SEN Co-ordination.  The SENCO is available by telephone 4 days a week (typically Monday-Thursday) on 0208 876 6721 and by email at

How are the staff in school helped to work with children with SEND and what training do they have?

All teachers and teaching assistants receive training during induction and through our ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) programme. This includes covering strategies for helping children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum condition (ASC)and speech and language difficulties. Teaching assistants are trained in specific interventions to help support children with SEND needs.

Where a training need is identified beyond this we will find a provider who is able to deliver it.  Training providers we can approach include an educational psychologist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapists, physiotherapist, teaching and learning consultants as well as the Achieving for Children (AfC) SEND workforce development team.

Some Teaching Assistants have been trained in specific areas that support Intervention Work.  These include such interventions as EAL support, Emotional Literacy Support and bespoke Reading, writing and maths interventions.

How can the school secure equipment and facilities to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities?

Where external advisors recommend the use of equipment or facilities which the school does not have, we will purchase them using the notional SEN funding, or seek it by loan agreement.  For highly specialist communication equipment the school will seek the advice of the relevant professional.

How is Darell School accessible to children with SEND?

• The two-storey Victorian building is accessible to those with physical disabilities via a lift and both internal and external ramps.

• We ensure that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs. 

• After-school provision is accessible to all children including those with SEND.

• Extra-curricular activities are accessible for children with SEND.

What are the arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEND and involving them in their child's education?

All parents of pupils with SEND at Darell are invited to discuss the progress of their children on three occasions a year and receive a written report once per year.  In addition, we are happy to arrange meetings outside these times. As part of our normal teaching arrangements, all pupils will access some additional teaching to help them catch-up if the progress monitoring indicates that this is necessary; this will not imply that the pupil has a SEND.

If following this normal provision improvements in progress are not seen, we will contact parents to discuss the use of internal or external assessments which will help us to address these needs better.  From this point onwards the pupil will be identified as having special educational needs because special educational provision is being made and the parent will be invited to all planning and reviews of this provision.  Parents will be actively supported to contribute to assessment, planning and review.

In addition to this, parents of pupils with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) will be invited to contribute to and attend an annual review, which, wherever possible will also include other agencies involved with the pupil. Information will be made accessible for parents.

What support do we have for you, as a parent of a child with a SEND?

The class teacher is regularly available to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have and to share information about what is working well at home and at school, so that similar strategies can be used. This can be done in a formal or informal manner.

The SENCo is available to meet you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you may have. 

All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you. You may meet with the person directly involved, or where this is not possible, provided with a written report.

• Individual Support Plans will be reviewed with your involvement each term.

• Home learning will be adjusted as needed to your child’s individual needs.

• A home/school contact book may be used to support communication with you, when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.

How will we support your child when they are leaving this school, or moving on to another class?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and we take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.

• If your child is moving to another school:

  • We will contact the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that are needed for your child.
  • We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on to the new school as soon as possible.
  • Transition times will be arranged and supported, using social stories if appropriate.

• When moving classes in school:

  • Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and, in most cases, a planning meeting will take place with the new teacher. All individual Support Plans plans (ISPs) will be shared with the new teacher.
  • If your child would be helped by a book to support them understand moving on, it will be made available to them.
  • In Year 6:
  • The SENCo will liaise with the secondary school to discuss individual needs. 
  • Your child will do focused learning about aspects of transition to support their understanding of the changes ahead. 
  • Your child will visit their new school on several occasions and, in some cases, staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.

What arrangements are made for the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with special educational needs, concerning the provision made at the school?

The normal complaints procedure will be followed for complaints about provision made for SEND.  We encourage parents to discuss their concerns with the class teacher, Inclusion Manager and the Headteacher to resolve the issue before making the complaint formal to the Chair of the Governing Body.

complaints process link

mediation and tribunals link

How does the governing body involve other bodies,including health and social services bodies, local authority support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and in supporting the families of such pupils?

The governing body have engaged the following bodies: -

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Educational Psychology service (Disabled Children’s Service for support to families for some pupils with high needs).
Access to local authority SLA with Speech and Language Therapy Services / Occupational Therapy Services / Physiotherapy Services for pupil with requirement for direct therapy or advice
Membership of professional networks for SENCO e.g. NAS, Achieving for Children (AfC) SENCO forum, Teachers in charge of specialist provisions networks
Sensory education team for pupils with Visual Impairment and Hearing Impairment.

What are the contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with special educational needs, including those for arrangements made in accordance with clause 32 (Parent Partnership Services)?

Richmond and Kingston Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service or SENDIASS is a free, confidential and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people (up to 25 years).

EnhanceAble, a local voluntary sector organisation, delivers the Parent Partnership Service and provides free, impartial, confidential, advice, support and options around educational issues for parent/carers who have children with special educational needs or disabilities (0-19/25).

The Parent Partnership Service aims to ensure that parents and carers are empowered and can play an informed role in planning provision to meet their child’s special educational needs. The Parent Partnership Service aims to build partnerships between parents and carers, the Local authority and schools.  The service also encourages parents and carers to be involved in the development of local SEN policy and practice.

They can be contacted on: 0330 232 0186


Where will I find additional information about the local authority's local offer?

The local authority’s local offer is published on:

This website provides information on local services and support available for families including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Please go to and click on the 'Assessment, and Education and Health Care Planning for further links to The Threshold Guidance and the Golden Binder which gives an overview of the processes, guidance, forms and templates. 

Parents without internet access should make an appointment with the SENCO for support to gain the information they require.

Information updated October 2024 

Report to be reviewed October 2025