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Statutory Information

Below is a list, derived from the website, of the information that we are required to publish by law.  Please click on the links to see the information.

Admissions or Richmond school admissions

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions policy

Complaints policy

Contact details

COVID-19 Catch up funding


Governing Body information

Ofsted Inspection report

Pupil Premium strategy


Safeguarding and child protection policy

School financial benchmarking

School performance table - DfE

School uniform

Single Equality scheme

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) information

Sports Premium expenditure

Year 6 Swimming Statistics:

Darell Year 6 Results 2021 -2022

% of pupils achieving at least the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths Darell School = 81% (significantly above national and in the highest 20% of schools) National = 54%
% of pupils achieving a higher standard in reading, writing and maths Darell School = 16% National = 7%
Progress scores in Maths Darell School = +3.4  
Progress scores in Writing  Darell School = +3.6  
Progress scores in Reading Darell School = +2.5  
Average scaled score in Maths Darell School = 109  
Average scaled score in Reading Darell School = 107  
Average scaled score in writing Darell School = 104