The Reading Corner
Welcome to our weekly section of the newsletter all about reading. Every week, we will share a question (or two) with you about the book your child is reading in school. Please use these questions to help you find out a little more about what your child has been reading in school and continue to develop their love of reading.
Wonder - Why is an Indian Runner Duck nicknamed a bowling ?pin? Answer: Because of it's shape
Peake - Can you explain how the tiny seed became a flower? Use words like First.... Then... Next...
Weir - What advice would you give to someone who had just arrived on planet Earth?
Walker - What was your favourite animal from the book? Can you remember some facts about it?
Newton - Why are the animals afraid of the white creature?
Thunberg - Which animal do you agree with the most and why, in the Great Kapok Tree?
Darwin - How would you fight against segregation?
Attenborough - How did people all around the world put pressure on South Africa to release Nelson Mandela??
Parks - Who is Margaret Atwood?
What are Atwood's views on the way humans treat the world?
What is your interpretation of the poem's meaning or message?