Headteacher Message
Hello everyone,
I hope you are well and looking forward to the half term break. It is at times like this that it is good to reflect on what we have achieved since our full return to school. When I say we, I mean the school as a community. None of this would have been possible without the hard work of all our stakeholders. Children, parents, all school staff and governors have all played a part in our extremely successful return. It is easy to bandy around words but the data and evidence is there to back up these assertions;
Attendance this half term: 96.6%. This is outstanding. Yesterday I received the data regarding other Richmond schools and the overall average is 91%. It is a testament to the measures that we have put in place and the trust you put in us that our attendance has not been affected by the Coronavirus crisis. Our Risk assessment will continue to be a dynamic document and we will ensure that the school is as safe an environment that it possibly can be.
Teaching: All teaching staff have adapted to….(Stop press. I have just hosted two Year 1 children who were brought to me to celebrate their writing. One of them had published a book with perfectly presented writing. What impressed me most was the time and effort she had put into her work.) the different learning environment and have established excellent relationships allowing your children to feel safe, happy and ready to learn. I was escorting a local authority advisor around the school this week and she remarked on the high quality of teaching on show and the excellent learning behaviours of your children. I have not let her off and she has agreed to write a testimonial for the school website.
Staffing: I have just finished my duty in the lunch hall and it has been wonderful to see all staff pitch in and support whatever the task. Lunch now takes two hours and that is because we are committed to offering the choice of a hot meal. This teamwork is indicative of the nature of this staff team. They have really all been superstars and really deserve their upcoming break.
Site: We continue to develop our site. The outside toilets in the Key Stage 1 playground are near to completion and after half term we should have the wooden fencing completed outside Year 1. You may have noticed that the sheds have been removed from the Key Stage 2 playground and we will be adding two raised beds and creating a calm and peaceful area in the playground. One sad note, Al Kenny, our superb site manager, will be leaving at the end of term to return to his spiritual home up north. He has been an absolute rock for the school and for me during my time here and he will be missed. We will be advertising the role shortly and if you know of anybody suitable please let them know.
PSA: We now have a fully functioning PSA and as of yesterday now have a parent rep for each class. There are a number of exciting events planned. Please support where you can. In terms of parents, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who have shown their appreciation of our work and spoken or e-mailed us. This means so much and I have been very lucky that I have approached many days this term with even more positivity due to an appreciative e-mail. Please continue to contact us about anything. We are committed to working in partnership[p as we continue to drive this school forward.
Technology: All of our Google Chromebooks are being formatted over the half term and should be ready for classroom use shortly. We are installing a filter that is suitable for home use and in the event of a partial closure all Key Stage 2 children will be able to take their Chromebook home to assist with remote learning.
Nurture Team: The nurture team have quickly become an integral part of the school community. I met with some lovely parents this week who, in a wide ranging conversation said that they were unsure what the role of the nurture team was. Once again this shows the benefits of good communication. Well actually not good communication initially but you see what I mean. The Nurture team consisting of the lead Natalie Pepper and Rosie Thwaites are in place to promote the emotional well being of children across the school. They will on occasion work with individuals to help remove any barriers to learning and will increasingly be working in regular small groups to give children the tools to thrive within school. There is absolutely no stigma attached to working with the nurture team and any child at any time may need extra emotional support for a myriad of reasons.
Office Staff: I think you will agree that they are the most welcoming and supportive team in London and probably Europe. In all seriousness their initiative and support allows the school to run efficiently and they will never be allowed to leave.
I hope this has given you a glimpse of why I feel so positive about this school as we end the half term. All that is left is to wish you a happy and peaceful half term. We look forward to seeing you after the break.
Joe Porter