Office Updates
Choir Performing at Kew Sparkle
Our wonderful Key Stage 2 choir will be performing at Kew Sparkle tonight. They will be singing a selection of festive songs at 6.35pm. We look forward to seeing you there
Packed Lunches
At Darell, we encourage children who opt for a packed lunch to eat a nutritious lunch in order to stay healthy. For the safety of some of our children, Darell is strictly a nut free school. As we have gained Healthy School status, we must insist that packed lunches are well balanced and no chocolate, sweets, nuts or fizzy drinks are permitted in packed lunches.
Please follow the link for lunch box suggestions:
Packed Lunches at Darell
Christmas Card Project
Reminder to those who handed in artwork, there’s still time to order Christmas cards and personalised gifts! Deadline for Christmas delivery is 8th December! Orders are shipped straight to your home.
See link to the website
Username: Darell
Password: M28vm8L2
Clubs Spring Term
A new clubs list has been attached with the newsletter. Please read through the list as there have been some changes. Bookings will go live on Wednesday, 8th December at 12:00 for the clubs bookable via Arbor. External providers can be contacted directly following the information in the clubs list.
School Meals
Please can you clear any outstanding meal balances before the end of term.
Christmas Cracker Donation
As our festive lunch is fast approaching, we would be very grateful for donations of crackers for the children. If you would like to donate any crackers please drop them off at the front office. Thank you in advance.
KS1 Nativity and KS2 Christmas Performance Tickets
Performance tickets have been given out to all families who completed the Google form. If you haven't requested any tickets and would like to attend, please come to the office.