Please see below a list of dates for your diary for the rest of the half-term. This is always a busy term and as ever there is plenty going on!
Monday 21st - Wednesday 23rd June - Y3 safer walking scheme
Friday 25th June – Newton Class trip to Barnes Literature Festival
28th June (all week) - Year 6 Bikeability
Monday 28th June, 7pm - Welcome meeting for new Reception Parents (online)
Wednesday 30th June - Year 6 Disco
Friday 2nd July – Nursery, Reception & Mozart trip to Kew Gardens
Monday 5th July - Year 6 transition day
Monday 5th July - Reception & Year 1 Sports Day (held in year groups)
Tuesday 6th July – Year 3 trip to Kew Gardens
Wednesday 7th July - Y2/Y3 Sports Day (held in year groups)
Thursday 8th July - Y4/5 Sports Day (held in year groups)
Friday 9th July - Y6 Sports Day
Monday 12th – Wednesday 14th July - Year 6 residential at Thames Young Mariners
Friday 16th July – Year 5 trip to Kew Gardens
Tuesday 20th July - Teddy Bear's Picnic at the Rec (new reception chn)
Tuesday 20th July, 5pm - Year 6 production
Wednesday 21st July – Ice cream man visiting Early Years & Mozart
Wednesday 21st July, 5pm - Year 6 production
Friday 23rd July, 9:30 - Year 6 Leavers assembly
Friday 23rd July – end of term