Office Updates
Clubs will be returning After Easter Currently we are working on our clubs list for next term. Shortly, you will receive a Google form asking for your opinions on what clubs you would like to see in the future and wether your child/children would attend any of our current clubs on offer?
We look forward to your feedback.
Wraparound care
Fit for Sort will continue to provide our wraparound care service for before and after school. If you need to book this service for sessions please follow the link below.
School Hot Meals
We are pleased to inform you that we will be offering hot meals from the Monday, 8th March. This will be a reduced menu consisting of 2 options. 1 meat option and 1 vegetarian option. Please see the menus below.
School meals cost £2.25 per day.
If you would like your child to have hot meals, please top up your meal account on Arbor in advance. Children are asked daily after registration for their meal choice of the day.
These menus will run until the end of term. There will be a new menu for after Easter once we have these confirmed we will send them out to you.
For more information from our school meals provider ISS please follow the link below.
PE Days
PE lessons will be starting from Monday, 8th March Please see the document below which outlines which day your child will have their PE lesson. Please ensure on that day that your child attends in their PE kit.
Thank you.