Headteacher Message
Hello all,
Just over a week to go! It was a real relief to hear the announcement that all children are returning to school on March the 8th. This feels like a pivotal moment in our emergence from this crisis. A year in our lives that we and our children will never forget. I am holding on to the positives from this period and reflecting on what I have learnt as a dad, husband, teacher and leader of a school. We are now busy getting ready for the school becoming a fully functioning building again. Initially we will be following the model that we followed last time we were all in together. Effectively this will mean;
- Staggered start and finish times
- Sitting in table partners facing the front
- Remaining in year group bubbles throughout the day
- Hand washing throughout the day
- Staff wearing masks in communal areas
- Parents and visitors wearing masks when they come on site
I am extremely proud of the school's response to this crisis. Not having to close a bubble is remarkable and testament to the hard work of the whole community. While we recognise that infection rates are falling, we still need to ensure that the school is as safe as it can possibly be.
As such I will be updating our risk assessment. I can give you a sneak preview. All windows and doors will remain open so please send your children in with an optional extra layer! Please keep an eye on your emails next week as more guidance will be published.
I would like to thank you all for your support during this lockdown. I really mean this. You have been so supportive since the beginning of the crisis. Throughout this whole period there has been a huge amount of positivity expressed toward the school and I have always felt that you are supportive of what we are trying to do. We do not always get it right and are always striving to improve so, as ever, do contact us if you would like to discuss anything. The door (for ventilation and communication purposes!) is always open. Some of you may be feeling wary about your child coming to school. Please give me a ring next week and we can discuss further. If I am unable to answer straight away I will ring you back.
I have attached the guidance that we have given to our teaching staff. We are very keen not to see the immediate return to school as a time to worry about catch up. I am not sure who they would be catching up with and want to be more positive, look forward and prepare your children for their next steps in learning. As always, our first focus will be on welcoming your children back, making them feel safe and ensuring that they are happy in school. Learning will flow from this point.
I would like to end by thanking our magnificent staff team at Darell School. They are simply the best, better than all the rest (Tina Turner, 1989) I would also like to announce a new member of the team. His name is Michael Riaboi and he is our new site manager. He started at half term and when I arrived on Monday I could not believe how tidy the site looked. Please say hello to him if you see him.
Thank you for your time. There are beautiful blue skies across London and this excellent weather looks set to extend into the weekend. Please look after yourselves and your families and we really will see all of you soon.
Mr Porter