The Reading Corner
Welcome to our weekly section of the newsletter all about reading. Every week, we will share a question (or two) with you about the book your child is reading in school. Please use these questions to help you find out a little more about what your child has been reading in school and continue to develop their love of reading.
Wonder - In Where the Wild Things Are, what 'mischief' does Max make? (He hammers a nail into the wall and chases the dog with a fork) Why do you think Max feels angry? What makes him feel better at the end of the story? (being back in his very own room with his supper waiting for him) What helps you feel better when you are angry?
Peake - Which of our special books was your favourite? (How to be a Lion, The Everywhere Bear, The Big Green Crocodile, Leaf Man, Billy and the Beast) What would you tell your friends about this book? What won't you tell them because it might spoil it for them?
Weir - What makes an effective question? Can you think of one for the Queen of the Underworld?
Walker - Why was the cat the perfect present? (it’s not to big or too small, it’s not too noisy)
Newton - Why have we made Christmas cards for the charity SPEAR?
Thunberg - What three words do you think Omar's family would use to describe him?
Darwin - Reading question: If you could talk to one animal, which animal would it be and why?
Attenborough - How does reading Treason help us understand what life was like in Tudor times ?
Parks - ‘Street Child’ –What did you think when you discovered that Street Child is based on a true story? Why?