Headteacher Message
Hello all,
It just so happens that I have Adil from Year 6 in my office as I am writing this. He is not in trouble, far from it; he is working on a project for me. I thought it would be a nice idea to have some pupil's voice in the newsletter, so I will hand the keyboard over to him.
Hello, this is Adil Ahmed from Darell Primary and Nursery School. This week, we have been practising for the Christmas performance and following our values of Aspiration, Equality, Responsibility, and, last of all, Enjoyment. I hope you all had a wonderful week. Stay positive, and have a nice weekend.
I literally could not have said it better myself. This was independent writing as I was outside with 4 Reception children. Today is our currency day, which is when reading dots are converted into prizes. The more you read, the better options you have, and the four Reception children I was with chose to have 15 minutes of playtime in the Key Stage 2 playground. This initiative has been great because it is encouraging more children to read and reading unlocks so much learning. It has also taught them to budget, as some children have not cashed in on this currency day but are saving for a bigger prize on a currency day next term. Thank you to Mrs Claridge for not only introducing it but for also making sure that children received their prizes today.
All that is left is for me to echo Adil’s words, stay positive and have a nice weekend.
Thank you Adil.
Joe Porter