Headteacher Message
Dear all,
I would like to start by saying a very big thank you for adapting to the change at the start of the school day. We are now closing the gates in the morning at 8.45 am rather than 8.55 am. As a father of three, I am aware of the logistics involved in the morning routine and know that 10 minutes can seem like a relative lifetime when you are trying to coordinate pack lunches, uniforms, school bags, PE kit etc, etc. The good news is that we have already had less lateness this year. Getting your child to school on time allows them to settle into the school day and will enable them to transition smoothly into their learning.
My bumper term of tours began this week, and it has been really lovely to showcase the excellent behaviour and learning that is taking place across the year groups. I walked into the Reception class on Wednesday and could not believe how purposeful and calm the children were. Some of them had only been attending school for two days!
Our kindness initiative has begun well. I have already had two staff members come up to me and say how kind the children have been to them. We have really emphasised that it is possible to spread kindness by small gestures, including smiling and saying please and thank you. I know that the parent body met today and is on board with this initiative.
I am aware that our club offer has been slightly reduced this year, and some of you have rightfully raised this as an issue. The problem we face as a one-form entry is that outside providers will not deliver training unless they get adequate numbers to sign up. However, we like solving problems at Darell School, and we are looking at how we can be innovative and support the providers who are not yet meeting their tipping point for delivery.
Another update. We have moved away from using X (Twitter) and are now transitioning into using Instagram to keep you updated with what is happening in school. We have had a few teething issues, but it shouldbe up and running next week. We will send you a link shortly.
Have a lovely weekend. September sunshine is on its way!!
Thank you,
Joe Porter