Headteacher Message
Happy new school year to everyone.
Week 1 is nearly done. Your children have been magnificent. They have adapted to new staff, new classrooms and new routines extremely well and the school has been a sea of happy, and sometimes a bit tired, faces. A special mention to the children of our SRP and Year 2 who have moved to completely new parts of the building. I am always impressed with the independence of our children and when I offered to walk some Year Two children up the stairs on Thursday, they said they did not need any help and knew the way. Fair enough!
The summer holiday is the best time to reflect about the school and think of ways to make it even better. As a result, we are going all in and we are focussing on a key virtue for the whole year. Kindness.
Why? Last year we focussed on a number of virtues, and it was great, but kindness had the most impact and the opportunity to spend a whole year promoting this in our school and community seemed too good to miss. Also, the world needs more kindness. We will be looking at kindness to ourselves, our friends, the community and the environment. I look forward to informing you about all the initiatives we have planned. As we are also relating this to the community, please share any good ideas you may have. Email the usual address and I will get back to you.
Today we have had Rock BandZ in all day giving taster sessions to Year 1-6. It has been a lovely way to start the year. I wish I had been given the chance to play an electric guitar at 6 years old. Who knows what I may have been doing now! Details about how to sign up for the club are included in the newsletter.
Have a lovely weekend with your families.
Joe Porter