Headteacher Message
Dear all,
I am going to be very honest with you. It has been an extremely busy week and a busy Friday and tonight is the end of term, staff do. I absolutely love writing to you every week but just now I received an update from our chair of governors and this will be the newsletter. Before handing over to Laura Morgan, I would like to say that in all my 24 years in education I have never worked with such a good governing body. It is quite unbelievable when you consider that they are all volunteers.
Thank you governing body and thank you, Laura Morgan for the content!!
As we reach the end of another academic year at Darell (one which seems to have gone extremely quickly!) I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the achievements of the last year. In the day to day running of a school it is sometimes so busy there is little time to notice the successes before moving on to the next thing – I hope I’ve remembered everything!
Darell is immensely proud of all it’s pupils and there have been lots of successes – both individually and collectively. Every child has worked really hard and achieved their very best this year – a particular mention to those children in Year 6 who have succeeded in their SATs and are moving on from Darell to different high schools. Children have had lots of opportunities to visit different places on school trips and they are always commended on their excellent behaviour. I know the beach trip to Littlehampton was really popular and I think they managed to arrange it for the one sunny day so far!
The development of the PTA has been another real success this year and there have been some fabulous events which everyone has really enjoyed. Sharing the school events on Instagram and Facebook helps to publicise Darell to the wider world. It has also been lovely to see Darell pupils represented at sporting events across the borough, at Kew Sparkle and the choir singing for the Avenue club. The Community Club has been very active in improving our local area and showing the Darell values in action.
We are very grateful for the support in raising money to benefit Darell pupils. Money (and resources) are very short in every school and it has been a challenging year to make ever diminishing budgets stretch further. Darell is an old building and there has been extensive work on the roof (which is still continuing over the summer) but the investment in making the roof water tight will hopefully preserve the wonderful old building for future generations. A special mention to Michael, our wonderful site manager for all his hard work in keeping the school a safe place for children to learn.
No school would be successful without a dedicated and committed staff team and we certainly have that at Darell. The ethos and values of the school shines through in everything they do and we are very grateful for all their hard work. I’d like to wish all the staff a well deserved summer break.
On behalf of the Governors, I’d like to thank all the families associated with Darell for all their support over the last year and wish you a safe and enjoyable summer holiday.”
Kind Regards,
Laura Morgan
Chair of Governors