The Reading Corner
Welcome to our weekly section of the newsletter all about reading. Every week, we will share a question (or two) with you about the book your child is reading in school. Please use these questions to help you find out a little more about what your child has been reading in school and continue to develop their love of reading.
Weir - What would you do if you discovered a secret sky garden?
Mozart - How would you feel if you were baby Bear? What zone would you be in?
Newton - Why was the raindrop described as gentle?
Thunberg - What do you predict will happen next in The Boy Who Grew Dragons?
Do you think you need anything special to grow a dragon?
Darwin - What is better about living in the USA than the UK? What is better about living in the UK than in the USA?
Attenborough - Do you think we can trust Miro? Do you think the skret are evil or just trying to reclaim what is rightfully theirs?
Parks - What did happen after dinner with the beavers?