Headteacher Message
Hello all,
George Peppard, the American actor, used to say ‘I love it when a plan comes together.’ (A team circa 1980s). Well, my plan this week very nearly came together. We introduced our positive behaviour recognition scheme on the Wednesday of this week. On the first day, 33 positive behaviours were recorded on Arbor and parents were alerted by email. On Thursday, this number reached a staggering 75, and today we have about 20 so far. Excellent. We have found a way of rewarding consistently good behaviour, and you now have a way of seeing this. One small problem - a problem I take full responsibility for - I forgot to tell the children about the scheme; we all make mistakes! This meant that I have had confused children coming up to me and telling me about their parents talking to them about the positive behaviour they did not know was being recorded. Do not worry, I am going to brief them all in assembly today.
What has been lovely has been how the whole staff team has embraced this and how much positive behaviour is being recorded. Just a reminder, when I am awarding these merits, I am in my office and I have more time to detail the positive behaviour. There is a separate drop down box that I can record this in. Class teachers do not have this time, so I have asked them not to go into such detail. Any feedback from you on this initiative is welcomed.
I did say that I would be telling you about the full staffing arrangements for the next academic year, this week. I have, however, learnt from my mistakes and I want to tell the children who their teacher is before telling you. So, on Monday afternoon, your children will be told who their new teacher is, and you will be informed about the full staffing team before pick up. We will also let you know about the transition arrangements that we have put in place for next year.
Finally, a reminder. We only allow children to wear jewellery that is part of their religious observance and small stud earrings. All other jewellery needs to be left at home. Thank you in advance for your support with this.
We are looking forward to seeing you all next week at our annual sports day. After two heavy tug of war defeats, the staff have been intensively training and are raring to go. You have been warned.
Have a lovely weekend.
Joe Porter