Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Sofiia - her beautiful model of a butterfly with movable parts and for showing great enjoyment in our PE lesson this week.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Seif - for his aspiration to improve his writing and making tremendous progress, as shown in his superb animal riddle. Well done, Seif!
Weir Class
Elliot - for being a responsible learner. You are thoughtful and always contribute something interesting!
Walker Class
Zion - for working hard on his letter formation in a handwriting session. Well done, Zion!
Newton Class
Jessica - for communication with her peers and adults and engaging in conversations with them. Well done, Jessica!
Thunberg Class
Hanaik - for being a responsible and aspirational mathematician! You have worked incredibly hard to build your understanding of column subtraction! Well done, Hanaik!
Darwin Class
Leandro - for continuing to be kind to everyone around him and for his continued aspiration to improve his learning in all areas. Thank you for living the values of our school.
Attenborough Class
Jack - for being a kind and respectful learning partner and taking responsibility for his learning in all lessons.
Parks Class
Isla, Sanveer, Tilly, Juliette, Omer, Breogan, Hayk, Leo and Oscar -
For representing Darell at Borough Sports, showing fantastic sportsmanship, responsibility and enjoyment!
Leon - for his excellent attitude towards his maths learning and showing kindness to his peers.