Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Fron - for being so kind, polite and helpful and for the terrific progress he has made with his reading this term.
Ellis - for being an excellent listener at carpet time and for always taking part in class discussions with intelligent, relevant thinking.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Zayn - for counting a large number of objects efficiently by counting in tens and ones. Well done, Zayn – you are a mathemagician!
Zemariam - for showing enjoyment in everything he does and for making tremendous progress in phonics and reading. Well done, Zemariam!
Weir Class
Dario - for working hard in phonics and reading and segmenting a CVCC word in writing.
Lucy - for being a responsible learner with excellent learning behaviour, you always give 100%
Walker Class
Loki - for joining in with Year 1 P.E., listening carefully and following instructions for all the different games. Well done, Loki!
Scarlett - for taking part in the year 2 music session for the very first time and really enjoying herself. Well done, Scarlett!
Newton Class
Sanveer - for being a supportive friend and for trying his best to be a year 6 role model. Well done, Sanveer!
Caleb and Rasim - for trying new things and their independence on the Y4 trip to Lord's. Well done, Caleb and Rasim!
Thunberg Class
Neil - for creating a stunning piece of writing in the role of Theseus! You have worked hard and been aspirational! Well done, Neil!
Isla - for being a kind friend and helping others to feel happy and included. Well done, Isla!
Darwin Class
Leo - for the huge improvement shown in English comprehension and reading. Well done, Leo!
Attenborough Class
Amelia - for being aspirational in her written work and for sharing her knowledge of the life cycle of amphibians with the class.
Sophia - for her commitment to her work in maths, showing great improvement, and her enjoyment of reading, working her way through the books in our reading corner.
Parks Class
Whole Class - for their perseverance and trying their best during SATs week. Well done, everyone!
Arya - for her creativity and individual design in Art. What a talented artist you are, Arya!
Zayn - for settling so well into Nurture and for his excellent attitude towards his learning.