Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Ibrahim - for his excellent behaviour for learning, for talking politely to the teachers and for showing real enjoyment in Reception life.
Freya - for always trying her best, especially in dance with her sequence of actions for a lion.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Jake - for living our value of aspiration by undertaking some independent research about animals and making some detailed drawings. Well done, Jake!
Cole - for his determination in our phonics lessons and reading practice sessions. Well done, Cole, you have made great progress!
Weir Class
Maksim - for excellent learning behaviour and writing a wonderful, interesting recount of our trip to St Paul’s Cathedral
Sapphire - for settling really well into Weir class and living our values of enjoyment and equality already!
Walker Class
Zion - for Trying hard with his blending in phonics and reading sessions. Well done Zion!
Scarlett - for Talking and communicating more with her peers and adults in Walker Class. Well done Scarlett!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Caleb, Jessica & Mio - for In recognition for living our value of enjoyment on the school residential. And for trying new things. Well done all!
Tipene - for recognition for having a mature attitude towards his learning & for being an excellent role model. Well done Tipene!
Thunberg Class
Jesse - for being a kind and supportive learning partner!
Well done, Jesse
Whole Class - for living our values of responsibility and enjoyment on our trip to the British Museum! You represented our school beautifully! Well done, Year 3!
Darwin Class
Zayan - for the effort and focus put into all the activities at Thames Young Mariners and for helping others on the water.
Sofia - for aspiring to improve her English writing.
Attenborough Class
Neil - for coming into school bright and happy and ready to learn.
Zayden - for being reflective and taking responsibility in the way he interacts with his peers.
Parks Class
Rayaan - for taking responsibility for her learning at home.
Brandon - for being a kind and respectful friend.
Leon - for his excellent attitude towards his learning and for keeping us all smiling!