Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Kohen - for working hard on his phonics and making excellent progress with his reading!
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Sasha - for his fantastic hard work in creating a diary entry in role as Rapunzel and aspiring to make his handwriting the best it can be. Well done, Sasha!
Weir Class
Daniel - for being a responsible learner and making great progress in phonics and reading.
Walker Class
Sirimi - for listening and responding to the adults in class, and being able to self-regulate when needed. Well done, Sirimi!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Neirvan - for his enjoyment in class and for being a supportive friend. Well done, Neirvan!
Thunberg Class
Oliver - for taking his learning outside of the classroom, teaching his family and creating his very own book about mythology! Well done, Olly!
Darwin Class
Sofia - for aspiring to make each piece of work she does better than the last and, as a result, showing great improvement in her English and maths.
Attenborough Class
Louis - for living our school values of enjoyment and responsibility on our trip to the Science Museum.
Parks Class
Eliza - for her fantastic writing, getting 20/20 in her SATs spellings and her successes in maths this week.