Headteacher Message
Hello all,
‘The sun is shining, the weather is sweet. Makes you want to move your dancing feet.’ (Bob Marley, Sun is Shining, 1971) It is really good to see the sun again. I felt as though we were disappearing into a low grey cloud forever but it has been lovely this morning to see the sky again. To be able to see into the distance. It is really important that we are able to look forward, beyond the current situation, to a time when we can be whole again as a school. Lockdown 3.0 has felt harder than any before. I think it is the weather, the time of year and the relentless nature of the restrictions that have challenged us all.
I became an uncle last weekend and we travelled to my brother’s house to see the baby. I was unable to hug my brother and hold the baby and we had to look at the baby through the living room window. You will all have similar stories. This is why we have to look to the future. It is impossible to predict what the government will do regarding the opening of schools but open again we will, and once again we will turn the music up and celebrate your return. I am unsure whether we will fully open after half term but I am pleased it has been announced that we will have two weeks notice before this takes place.
Whatever the circumstances, we forge on as a school. I have been so impressed with the daily interactions between our staff and your children on google classrooms and 9.30am has quickly become the highlight of my day. The morning meets have been a real success. Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending part of the Reception meet. It was lively and fun and Georgia Brown deserves a medal! Thank you to those who completed the questionnaire. We are going to be looking at it today and will adapt our offer where necessary.
We keep driving forward. Today myself and Mr Gilbert will be locking ourselves away to further develop our curriculum. Yesterday, I attended a superb remote seminar by Mary Myatt who talked through the planning of a Geography unit across the school using quality texts as the bedrock of all learning. It makes me extremely happy that after 20 years in education I still love learning and I can assure you we will work tirelessly to make the Darell curriculum the best in Richmond, London, Europe and the world. You can hold me to this.
Try and look up to the sky today, clear your minds and think positive thoughts. We are going to get through this. Have a lovely weekend with your families. Stay safe and keep smiling.
Joe Porter