Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Axel - for his fantastic building of a space shuttle and a Soyuz rocket! And for writing a story that everyone could read.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Max - for the enjoyment he showed on our trip to Orleans House Gallery and making a careful and detailed drawing of the chandelier in the Octagon Room. Well done, Max!
Weir Class
Mohammed - for aspiring to be a good reader and working hard in phonics and reading.
Walker Class
Ollie - for always trying his best during reading sessions, he is working hard to sound and blend. Well done, Olly!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Sanveer - for his enjoyment in our RE lessons & for being an excellent role model on our school trip to Hampton Court Palace. Well done, Sanveer
Thunberg Class
Mattie - for the enjoyment he has shown in creating a mythical beast and describing it in detail using some super vocabulary! Well done, Mattie!
Darwin Class
Narek - for the effort he has put into improving his handwriting and continuing to aspire to make it better.
Attenborough Class
Jacob - for excellent teamwork in our PE lesson.
Parks Class
Rayaan - for her fantastic hard work and progress in maths!
Rashford Class
Caitlin - for her resilience with her maths learning this week and being a helpful member of class.