Headteacher Message
Hello all,
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your support during this period. None of this is ideal, but together, I believe we are making the best of a challenging situation. I am really pleased with the success of the daily morning meetings. I have been attending the Year 4 meetings and it has been lovely to see everyone together. The well being of your children is our number one priority and these meetings play a vital part in keeping everyone connected.
I work from home on a Thursday and I recognise the challenges that home schooling presents. I have three children with three different sets of lessons and tasks that they need to complete and once we have overcome the technical issues that inevitably arise, we can begin. The problem is, that while supporting them, I have a school to run and they are inevitably left for long periods to get on with their learning. I know many of you will be living this and I would urge you not to be too hard on yourselves as you will be doing your best. I was sent this cartoon by a friend and it really helped me to be kinder to myself! Please be kind to yourselves also. You are doing your best and your children love you.
With your support, we are managing to keep numbers in school to a safe level and there has been some encouraging news about local cases beginning to slowly fall. One of our safety measures is maintaining good ventilation throughout the school and I am really looking forward to the upcoming months when I may be able to take off one layer of thermals!
Today we are sending out questionnaires to children, parents and teachers regarding remote learning. I have already read some of the children's responses and they are practical and insightful. Please add your opinions. We are happy with what we are currently providing, but we know it can be further improved so let us know your thoughts.
My hands are beginning to freeze to the keyboard so I will pause here. Please be kind to yourselves and enjoy your time with your families. Stay safe.
Joe Porter