Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Anna - for always trying her best: whether reading, playing and exploring during busy learning or sharing her ideas at carpet time.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Iqra - for being a kind and supportive learning partner in PE. Well done, Iqra!
Weir Class
Daisy - for Enjoying your learning so much. You always contribute with your wonderful thoughts and ideas.
Walker Class
Olly - for always being a kind, helpful and responsible member of Walker Class who helps to tidy up every single day. Well done, Olly!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Caleb and Jacob - for being excellent role models & for having a fantastic week in Newton class. Well done, boys!
Thunberg Class
Adriana - for being a super role model in our dance lessons and for having the confidence to model dance moves and perform solo! Well done, Adriana!
Darwin Class
Go - for being a helpful and considerate work partner during lessons.
Attenborough Class
Sienna - for taking responsibility for her learning in all lessons this week and challenging herself in computing.
Parks Class
Oscar - for the fantastic progress he made in his arithmetic test
Rashford Class
Caitlin - for her excellent contribution during class discussions and trying her best with her times table practice.