Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Ellis - for his excellent attitude to learning. Ellis always listens, joins in and works hard at phonics and maths and shows real enjoyment in story.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Lucas - for the fantastic progress he has made in his handwriting and being a supportive learning partner. Well done, Lucas!
Weir Class
Tanya - for being a responsible reader and a very kind friend to everyone in Weir class
Walker Class
Sirimi - for trying really hard to remember to use kind hands with her friends in the playground, so everyone has a happy lunchtime. Well done, Sirimi!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Rassim - for settling into Darell so well and for transitioning independently between Newton and Darwin. Well done, Rassim!
Thunberg Class
Kloe - for the dedication she has shown to writing her own ‘pourquoi?’ story! You are a fantastic innovator, Kloe; well done!
Darwin Class
Elise - for multiple acts of kindness in the classroom and playground.
Attenborough Class
Allen - for his enjoyment and aspiration in our Mastering Number sessions.
Parks Class
Hannah - for her fantastic narrative writing.
Rashford Class
Caitlin - for her excellent contribution during class discussions and trying her best with her timetable practice.