Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Melina - for her beautiful singing as we get ready for Wriggly Nativity and for her lovely drawing and book-making in busy learning. Melina will always have a go!
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Liam - for working hard and making excellent progress in phonics. Well done, Liam, for being an aspirational learner!
Weir Class
Viktoriia - for being an aspirational learner in maths and a very kind friend.
Walker Class
Olly - for always coming into school with a smile on his face and enjoying making friends in his new school. Well done, Olly!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Neirvan - for settling into Newton this half-term and for his excellent participation in Maths this week. Well done, Neirvan!
Thunberg Class
Andrei - for the fantastic progress you have made in reading and spelling and the enjoyment you take in it! Well done, Andrei!
Darwin Class
Chad - for always being helpful and kind and always living by the Darell school values
Attenborough Class
Nevaeh - for a much-improved attitude to his learning. Keep it up! I’m proud of you!
Parks Class
Tilly, Juliette, Rayaan, Isla and Kelise - for fantastic team work in their recent football tournament and match!
Rashford Class
Elise - for always being a kind, supportive and inclusive friend!