Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Freya - for being a kind, caring, happy member of Reception, who is always willing to have a go.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Iqra - for living our school value of equality by inviting other children to join in her games. Well done for being a kind and caring friend.
Weir Class
Elliot - for being an aspirational learner, your postcard in English was imaginative and thoughtful. Well done!
Walker Class
Emily - for using clear words to describe objects she can see in a picture book. Well done, Emily!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Sonia - for trying really hard in year 5 integration and for her enjoyment in reading. Well done, Sonia!
Thunberg Class
Karima - for being a confident and patient teacher and helping us to learn the Makaton signs for our class song! Well done, Kiki!
Darwin Class
Elise - for always being a supportive, helpful and kind friend to everyone in Darwin class
Attenborough Class
Sophia - for a fantastic first week at Darell, showing a great attitude in all the lessons.
Parks Class
Riley, Breogan, Kieran, Hayk, Oscar, Jackson, Leo and Jamie - for fantastic team work and success in the football tournament!
Rashford Class
Zayan - for being a kind and supportive friend and for always volunteering to help in class!