Headteacher Message
Hello all
D.I.S.C.O. Those of you who are of a certain age will remember the 1979 song by Ottowan. An absolute classic. I realise that I am probably talking to grandparents rather than parents as I was only 8 when this came out. Top of the Pops. Anyway, the reason it came to mind is because we are holding two discos as our flagship end to the term and the details are below. It should be a lot of fun.
Tomorrow we are holding a school open day for prospective nursery and reception parents. We are predicting our highest ever turnout with over 21 families in attendance. This speaks to the growing popularity of this school and community. Everybody has played their part, and it is a great reflection on the community that we have that the school is generating so much local interest.
Disco Information:
As you are aware, we have the Christmas Disco that will take place over two sessions on Friday, 15th December. We understand that there may be siblings waiting to attend the next session, so we would like to invite them to Year 1 and Year 2 to watch a short movie and engage in some colouring activities.
Parents are welcome to stay and enjoy tea, coffee, and mince pies available in the waiting area outside the Reception class. You will have a clear view of the hall from this position to watch all the fun and dancing.
Children attending the disco from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will remain in their class until the time of the disco, 3:30pm, and be taken to the hall by a member of staff. (There is no need for you to collect your child until 4:30pm unless you are planning on staying for the disco.)
Additionally, we will be needing parent volunteers to help with monitoring different aspects of the disco. Please follow the link and fill out the Google form if you would be available to help with any of the suggested areas:
At the Disco there will also be a Tombola where bottles and chocolates can be won with lucky tickets. So, on Friday, 1st December, we shall be holding a non-uniform Day, and instead of a monetary donation we shall be requesting bottles and chocolates for the tombola. We will send a reminder closer to the time.
Thank you all and have a lovely weekend with your families.