Headteacher Message
Happy half-term one and all.
It has been a really busy half-term, and we all deserve a rest. Like you all, I am not sure how much of a rest being at home with our children will be, but I urge you (and me) to try and enjoy every fleeting moment with our children. This is the first term where none of my three are at primary school, and it has really brought home to me how fast time moves.
Today I was in the key Stage 2 playground, and I was standing by the door just observing the interactions that were taking place. I saw the most lovely thing. One of our children with additional needs was doing his own thing in the playground and then suddenly ran onto a bench where two girls from Year 4 were sitting. Instead of shrieking and running away, the girl nearest to him gave him a lovely smile, greeted him by name, said hello and asked how he was. He smiled back, and they stayed in position for what felt like ages and then he ran off. It may not sound like much, but it really brought home to me the strength of our school. We are a diverse community that celebrates differences and supports each other. I found the girl in question after lunch and gave her a RESPONSIBILITY sticker. She truly lived the description below our value 'We are kind and caring to ourselves and others’.
Volunteer opportunities. We have an amazing workforce here at Darell School but could always do with more adult support in school. If you have a spare couple of hours or morning/s or afternoons, we would really welcome your support in school. Initially, this may take the form of listening to children read, but it could be extended to other tasks if you are interested. It could also be something like supporting cooking with a group. If you make yourself known to the office, we can make a plan from there. We will do the DBS checks for you and will provide you with safeguarding training. Please support if you can.
Thank you to the eco team for their sale yesterday. They raised close to £100! What is great about this project is that they are in charge of organising the stock and have to make decisions regarding quantities and types of product, which is an amazing opportunity to learn through experience.
Hopefully, I will see some of you at the Mecca bingo event this afternoon. If not, have a lovely half-term and see you on the other side. Please remember Monday, 30th October is an INSET day, so we will see you on the 31st.
Joe Porter