Stars of the Week!

Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Axel - for always coming into Reception with a big smile, for always being busy and for great listening on the carpet
Peake Class
Arthur - for his enjoyment of poetry and always being such a kind friend. Well done, Arthur!
Weir Class
Nil - for her obvious enjoyment of our class poem and aspiring to be a great reader.
Walker Class
Dineo - for using clear words to name all the animals in the animal matching game. Well done Dineo!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Caleb - for his enjoyment in his French lesson and his perseverance in all his other learning. Well done Caleb!
Thunberg Class
Sam - for being a kind, patient and supportive learning partner, and for really challenging himself in maths this week! Well done, Sam!
Darwin Class
Chad - for being incredibly helpful around the classroom, enthusiastic about a challenge and always prepared to go the extra mile to help others with their work.
Attenborough Class
Dalia - for being a supportive learning partner and an aspirational learner in all lessons.
Parks Class
Liana - for her enjoyment and aspiration in all lessons this week.
Rashford Class
Elise - for her positive attitude towards her learning and been a kind and supportive friend.