Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Ralf - for finding lots to do in busy learning, for making friends and for excellent concentration during phonics and maths.
Peake Class
Katie - for always aspiring to do her best work and not giving up even when it’s challenging. Well done, Katie!
Weir Class
Dario - for living our value of being responsible! You are focused on your work and always offer to do jobs to help me and the rest of the class.
Walker Class
Zion - for good listening and following instructions in football club. Well done, Zion!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Darcey - for trying really hard at being independent this week and being a kind friend in Newton class. Well done, Darcy!
Thunberg Class
Mariam - for the kindness she has shown to her friends this week, and for persevering with her learning, even when it has been challenging! Well done, Mariam!
Darwin Class
Niki - for the effort she has put into projecting her voice across the classroom.
Attenborough Class
Grace - for being an aspirational learner, challenging herself in every lesson to produce work of the highest standard.
Parks Class
Aroush - for her bravery, resilience and aspiration to take part in the school council election. Well done, Aroush!
Joshua - for his resilience when playing turn-taking games and for being a kind and inclusive friend in class. Well done, Joshua!