Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Zayn - for his great athleticism! Zayn loves to think up great games of high jump using the ropes and blocks and always lets others join in.
Peake Class
Roger - for being a curious learner who challenges himself to be the best he can be. Well done, Roger!
Weir Class
Gabriela - for becoming more confident to put up her hand to share her ideas and for always being a responsible learner. Well done, Aaliyah!
Walker Class
Dineo - for Enjoying and sharing our class story book with her peers, by listening and responding to them. Well done, Dineo!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Mio - for trying really hard at following instructions. And for always being a positive & smiley member of Newton class. Well done, Mio!
Thunberg Class
Niki- for being an aspirational learner and writing an interesting diary entry using ambitious language
Darwin Class
Khaled - for his excellent focus when listening and carrying out his work.
Attenborough Class
Ege- for having been such a fantastic member of Attenborough Class and our whole school community. We will miss you!
Parks Class
Ashton - for his brilliant contributions in class and increased confidence when working independently.
Daisy - for her meaningful class discussions and being resilient in her work.