Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Katie - for being kind and cheerful and always trying her best in Reception.
Peake Class
Mason - for being an aspirational mathematician and working hard to double numbers. Well done, Mason!
Weir Class
Olly - for the hard work he has put into improving his handwriting! Well done, Olly, for being aspirational.
Walker Class
Sirimi - for good listening and following instructions during Maths this week. Well done, Sirimi!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Tipene - for having a positive and mature attitude in class. Well done, Tipene!
Thunberg Class
Alice - for living our value of equality by patiently helping Caleb with his sewing, after finishing her own beautiful tropical stuffed bird.
Darwin Class
Finlay - for working hard to improve his focus in the classroom and taking part in classroom discussions.
Attenborough Class
Jackson - for trying his best in all lessons and taking responsibility for his maths learning.
Parks Class
Ted - for always trying his best and his excellent contributions in class… both educational and humorous!