The Reading Corner
Welcome to our weekly section of the newsletter all about reading. Every week, we will share a question (or two) with you about the book your child is reading in school. Please use these questions to help you find out a little more about what your child has been reading in school and continue to develop their love of reading.
Wonder - In our story, Yucky Worms, can you remember what worms like to eat? (rotting leaves, flowers, fruit and dead insects) When do they like to eat and why? (at night, when it's cool) Why is it dangerous being a worm? (other animals like to eat them: moles, badgers, frogs, hedgehogs, foxes, and slug; humans might hurt them when they are digging in the earth).
Peake - What do you think is the main message in the book Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers? (It is our responsibility to care for the Earth and its occupants.) What can you do to show kindness and respect to our world and other people?
Weir - Do you think that the Pasha should have sent Zeraffa to Paris or left her on the African plains? Why?
Thunberg - What do you think the man is going to do now?
Darwin - Why was Edward Tulane happier having dinner with the fisherman and his wife than with the Tulane family?
Attenborough - What did you like about the poem 'Snow Leopard'?
Parks - 'When Life Gives You Mangoes' - Why do you think Clara is being taken to the city?