Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Chihiro - for using English to talk to staff and children and for joining in with phonics.
Peake Class
Reggie - for the enjoyment and aspiration he shows for learning and for the kindness he shows to others. Well done, Reggie!
Weir Class
Kateryna - for having the confidence to try new things and for producing some stunning art work! Well done, Kate!
Walker Class
Sirimi - for having a great first week in her new school and settling into our class routines. Well done, Sirimi!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Sonia, Tyler and Sanveer - for supporting each other and their excellent involvement and effort in the swimming gala. Well done, team!
Thunberg Class
Leon - for enjoying working hard in class, especially in maths, learning about the 4x table.
Darwin Class
Frankie - for continuing to show such excellent focus in lessons and being an excellent learning partner.
Attenborough Class
Tilly - for striving to do her best in every single lesson, every single day and for fantastic peer teaching in Year 1.
Parks Class
Alice - for all her hard work and the progress she has made since joining us! Well done for always trying your best!