The Reading Corner
Welcome to our weekly section of the newsletter all about reading. Every week, we will share a question (or two) with you about the book your child is reading in school. Please use these questions to help you find out a little more about what your child has been reading in school and continue to develop their love of reading.
Wonder - From our reading of The Gingerbread Man, can you remember the words to describe the cow, the horse and the fox? (parents: curious, hungry, sly)
Peake - Did you enjoy hearing the poem 'The Witch's Song' by Clare Bevan? Why? Why not? How did it make you feel? What did you imagine as you heard the poem?
Weir - How has Fox changed from the beginning of the story to the end? Why do you think this is?
Thunberg - If you were Perseus, where would you like to be the ruler of?
Darwin - If you were the gentle giant would you have continued to go to the village or stayed on your island?
Attenborough - What did we find out from Lysandra’s account that was inside the Anubis jar? Does that change your perception of Tutankhamun? Why does Emma Carroll add this account to the story?
Parks - Which presents did the children receive, and how do you think these presents might help them defeat the Witch?