Stars of the Week!
Early Years Star of the Week
Wonder Class
Arthur - for great concentration with Rima and
for independently practising his writing.
KS1 Star of the Week
Peake Class
Daniel - for his enjoyment in learning and coming up with new and interesting ideas. Well done, Daniel!
Weir Class
Neil - for demonstrating fantastic historical knowledge during trip to the National Archives. Well done for being such a super historian!
Walker Class
Scarlett - for Linking her learning into her independent play. Well done, Scarlett!
KS2 Star of the Week
Newton Class
Sonia - for joining in with her mainstream class & for trying her best. Well done, Sonia!
Thunberg Class
Alice - for aspiring to be a great reader. Alice shares what she has read and recommends books to the class.
Darwin Class
Allen - for learning all his times tables to 12 in and out of order.
Attenborough Class
Jackson - for taking responsibility for his work showing a great improvement in his presentation.
Parks Class
Princess Rakayah - for her hard work and progress in her maths group!
Elise - for her excellent contributions in class, always trying her best and always being a kind friend.