Headteacher Message
Hello all,
What a wonderful way to end the term. This week we have had the Christmas fair, Christmas lunch and the most magical nativity that you could ever see. The Christmas fair. We managed to raise just over £2000 towards the library update and books. Thank you all for taking part. We worked out that it was attended by nearly all of our families, and it certainly was busy in the main hall. It was so lovely to have the community as one again, and we will definitely do this again next year. The event was organised by the staff team at Darell and was partly devised to show the parent body that these events are viable, not too difficult to organise and most importantly fun. We really want to get our parents association up and running again, and I am issuing a call from the hilltops. Darell School needs you!!. If you feel that you could offer up some time to support the school as part of a parent group please contact us on parents@darell.richmond.sch.uk. Actually even if you have a small inkling that you may be able to help please make contact. Mrs Gavin (Office and business guru), Mrs Claridge (Deputy guru) Mrs Francis (nurture guru) organised the Christmas fair and if you email we can arrange an informal chat with them. I think the key thing is to not make it too daunting. We can start small and work it from there.
The nativity. Truly magical. The last two songs with Reception to Year 2 on stage singing beautifully together was a moment that will stay with me. The confidence of some of our youngest children was amazing, and I am proud of each and every one of them.
I am a bit of a stickler as head, and we keep on working until the very end of term. I have just finished an experiment in Year 6 looking at micro organisms and all teachers are still delivering our curriculum. We have been working really hard on our curriculum and looking at assessment. How do we know what they know? In RE, we have been using the chrome books to assess knowledge retention through quizzes. I was keen to allow children the opportunity to answer an open question at the end to demonstrate their knowledge. Here is an example from Year 4:
I had a very useful meeting with a parent this morning and she raised the issue of the school not knowing about some of the achievements of our children outside of school. What I would like to do is include these achievements in our Friday celebration assemblies. Possibly even a performance. Please contact the school if you would like to share the achievements of your child. A photograph would also be helpful. I know that we have a number of talented actors, musicians, sports personalities and more in our school, and we need to celebrate this.
Celebration assembly is calling, so all that is left for me to say is thank you for your support this term. It has been a great term. Have a peaceful break and enjoy every moment with your precious families.
Joe Porter