Office Updates
Individual Photos
All photo contact sheets have been sent home with your child today. To view the images please follow the instructions on the front of the sheet with your login details. Thank you.
New Lunch Menu
Caterlink will be providing a new hot lunch menu after half term, please see the attached PDF with the newsletter. The menu can also be found on the school website in the Parents section.
PE Days
After half term there will be a few changes to the classes PE days. Please see the updated table below.
Arbor Outstanding Payments
Please can we ask you log into your Arbor account and clear any outstanding balances for school meals, school trips, clubs and wrap around school care. If you have any difficulties making payment please contact the school office. Thank you.
No Nuts
Darell is strictly a nut free school. Please can you ensure your child does not have any nuts products in their lunch boxes.
If you have any spare bags of topsoil or compost, we would love them for our flower boxes in the KS2 playground. Any donations to be dropped off in the school office. Thank you.
Volunteer DBS
For parents and carers who would like to be a volunteer in school or to assist on school trips. You will need to complete a DBS check and attend safeguarding training. If you would like more information please contact the school office on 0208 876 6721 or email
No parking
This is a polite reminder that NO PARKING or WAITING is permitted on the yellow zig zag lines on Niton and Darell Road surrounding the school.