Headteacher Message
Hello all,
I hope you are all well. One of the advantages of cycling into school is that you truly feel the change in the seasons and I can exclusively report that the seasons are changing. While the afternoons have been warm, the mornings have been bitingly cold. Change is good and while it has resulted in the addition of several layers of clothing it has also allowed me to enjoy some familiar experiences. For example, It feels truly magical cycling across Richmond bridge through the low set mist. Well, at least until I reach the A316! Why am I talking about change? It is because, as we approach half-term, I am beginning to reflect on the school year to date. It is also because I have never felt so optimistic about the direction this school is heading. While this job will never be complete, I feel that we have all the pieces in place to make this a truly exceptional school.
I have been thinking about what is the key ingredient that enables success in a school and I have come to the conclusion that we often overthink this. Happiness. As simple as that. Happy children learn. Happy staff teach well, happy dinner staff smile at the children and on and on and on. We are a happy school, and it is on this foundation that we will continue to build.
In terms of building I really think we are developing a curriculum that will be exemplar. We have recently updated our Religious Education curriculum and I have been lucky enough to be able to see the planning across the school. The way that knowledge is built on from the early years and concepts are deepened as your child moves through the school is inspiring. As part of this development we have increased the amount of visits to places of worship and this week Year 4 visited a Buddhist Monastery. They were lucky enough to meet one of the most significant figures in the Buddhist community. I was also extremely pleased to hear that the excellent behaviour of our children was remarked upon, and we have made a link that will be sustained.
You may have noticed that we have received a number of in-year admissions to the school. This has been lovely. Each new child who comes to the school adds to our community, and I am always proud of how our children welcome them with open arms and crucially look out for them as they settle into the school. We are a rich tapestry and all the better for this.
All that is left is for me to wish you a happy weekend with your precious children. Look for enjoyment where you can.
Joe Porter