Headteacher Message
Hello all,
The end of term is such a whirlwind that I have barely found time to write this. Here is a snippet what has happened just this week;
Year 6 leavers assembly: Mr Fitzegerald masterminded a wonderful celebration of an amazing cohort. Year 6 were stars and there were only a few dry eyes in the house!
Nursery Graduation: I was lucky enough to witness this lovely event. Mrs Thomas and the Nursery children showing what a great start to school our children have.
Sports day: A particular highlight being the staff tug of war team being dragged halfway to Wimbledon!
Year 5 trip to Richmond Park and Year 6 rowing on the river Thames
Transition afternoon. All classes spending some time in their new classes and with their new teachers.
Staff v pupils football match. I would like to say it was close but it wasn’t. (staff won!)
Staff leaving assembly and the coconut song. I inherited the coconut song and the staff team here are very keen to keep up the tradition of singing this song to those who leave.
I have a further update to give you. In September Strathmore School are opening a small provision at the school. It will be in the old Mozart class and will have its own entrance in Darell Road. The reason I have agreed to allow them to use our space is because there is a chronic lack of school spaces for children who have significant needs and we have the physical space. We are not managing this provision but instead they are co-locating with us. Initially the cohort will be 5 children and it will be Reception to Year 2. It will be a small class with 5 in attendance. I truly believe that every child has the right to be educated in an appropriate setting for their need, and this, in a small way, will help with this process.
So there is a need to sum up. To all those who are leaving us, thank you very much for the time we have had with you. Wherever you are heading ‘make a difference’ and remember you are always welcome at Darell School.
To those that are staying. The school is a special place and you are the reason why. See you next year. There are a number of amazing things about this school and there are some things we need to improve. We will work with you to ensure that this school keeps getting better and better. Thank you and have a lovely break. Please look after your precious children and be as happy as you can.
Mr Porter
Erm…. I think it is only fair to leave the last word to my now fellow Headteacher Mr Gilbert;
I have very mixed emotions as I type this. Sharing in Year 6’s assembly this morning was really wonderful and drove home to me what a special place this school is. I have just now walked out of the end of term assembly and it certainly is not with a dry eye. This school really is a special place and it is with a heavy heart that I leave. However, I would not be in the place to take on the headship of a school without all that I have learnt at Darell. I know the school will go from strength to strength in the years to come under Mr Porter’s leadership and I want to thank him both as a colleague and a friend for all that he has done for the school. I also want to say a huge thank you to all of the parents. You have been fantastic advocates for the school and it has been a pleasure to serve the community. Thank you for all the generous gifts that you have given me, I really appreciate them. Finally, I need to thank the children. They make every day enjoyable and it is them who I will miss most of all. I wish them all the best in the years ahead and want to thank them for making my time at the school so special. Have a great summer and enjoy the start of a new school year when it arrives!
Paul Gilbert, Headteacher!