Headteacher message
Hello all,
I hope you are all well. We have had a full staff team in since Wednesday and are currently busily preparing for your child’s return to school. It has been lovely to see the whole staff team together (safely distanced in the main hall) and it has given me a glimpse of what the school will look like next week when all our children return. As a team we have worked really hard to ensure that we have measures in place to keep your child safe. We have undertaken a comprehensive risk assessment that everyone has contributed to and now has ownership of. We are attaching a Frequently Asked Questions document with this newsletter which will hopefully answer questions that have arisen. Please contact us if you would like further clarification or have any further questions. While it is important to recognise and plan for the fact that we are in the midst of a global pandemic I do not want to dwell on it. Our primary driver will always be the safety of your children and I feel we have planned accordingly. Now comes the exciting part. The community is finally reunited and we are able to focus on making your children feel happy and ready to learn. We have planned an engaging challenging curriculum and cannot wait to begin the journeys of discovery that they will be embarking on.
We will not be holding assemblies about coronavirus or delivering a series of lessons on the topic but we will be responsive to individual children’s worries or concerns It is important to recognise that we will all have had different experiences during this crisis and we want to respond accordingly. This is a good time to let you know some updates. Our nurture team now consists of two members. Many of you will have had contact with Natalie Pepper who is our nurture lead. We have recently employed Rosie Thwaite to work alongside her. I have also been reliably informed that the third member of the team is going to be a guinea pig. Watch this space for more news! The nurture team will be focussing on supporting the emotional needs of our children and in promoting positive mental health for all.
Further positive updates
Year 1 Continuous Provision: We are very excited to be offering our Year 1 children a brand new learning environment that combines adult-led teaching with independent child-led investigation. Children will be able to apply and consolidate their learning across this new provision, spanning two classrooms and resourced with the highest quality equipment. A section of the key stage one playground now forms part of this new provision and will be resurfaced and fenced off over half term. The environment provides a really stimulating teaching and learning space, one that reflects the very best in pedagogy for our Year 1 children.
KS1 playground: You will see that we have some temporary barriers outside of the Year 1 classrooms. These will be replaced at half term with the same type of fencing that can currently be seen demarcating the Reception outside space. You will also notice a blue container next to the outdoor toilets. This is in place because the toilets are being ripped out and replaced.
KS1 classrooms: Two of the staircases that dominated the rooms have been removed. This has really opened up the room and allowed us to utilise the space to its full potential.
KS2 playground: We have resurfaced the flooring of the trim trail. This area is now safer and more colourful. We have also removed the sheds behind the cage. This is to enable us to install raised beds where we will be growing vegetables and flowers.
Classrooms: Over the summer we installed mini boilers into each classroom. This is to ensure that everyone has access to warm running water to facilitate effective hand washing.
Main Hall: We have removed the wall bars and apparatus attached to the walls to make it a more welcoming space.
Chromebooks: We are eagerly awaiting their arrival. The last information we received was that their shipment was slightly being held up by sanctions imposed on China by President Trump. Lessons in a global economy!
I hope that gives you the sense that we are not going to be defined by this crisis but will continue to drive the school forward and make it the best place for your child to learn. I am now heading off with my colleague Paul Gilbert to film a short video that will give your child an idea of some of the changes that they can expect on Monday. What will not change is the warmth and affection that every member of staff will offer towards your child as they return to school. The video will be uploaded to Google Classroom today and we would encourage you to login and watch it with your child.
Have a lovely weekend. We cannot wait to see you!
Joe Porter